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Day 8

Hello, last week you got quite a bit of knowledge on Javascript. You guys have worked hard and created amazing builds of the Quiz. ๐ŸŽ† If you're still building, no worries, the thread to share your builds will be kept active. But what I would suggest is to maybe push out a basic version first. And then subsequently you can continue to work on it.

This week, we are now moving on to learn about Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and the design of web pages ๐ŸŽจ . We've got quite a number of folks here who said that they felt they could improve their design sense, and I've specially curated these resources for you guys. So please enjoy! ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐ŸŽจ

Today's article covers:

  1. the history of CSS.
  2. discusses the history of layouts in CSS, from table layout -> float-based layout -> flexbox layout / grid layout.
  3. also covers the use of CSS preprocessors and postprocessors.
  4. I thought the part on CSS postprocessors was pretty useful, because while inspecting some sites' stylesheet, you might have noticed the -webkit prefix and wondered about what it is.


Share your thoughts after reading the article.

  • Were there new things you learnt from this article?
  • Were there parts that you didn't understand too well and might be googling to find out more?