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FAQ Quest 4

This is the FAQ of the Quest 4: Hello World! Creating Your Web Application. If you can't solve your issue here you still can ask your doubt in the discord server (#zilliqa-helpdesk channel).

(Step 3) Issue: npm: command not found#

You need to install node first:

  1. Go to this link:
  2. Select and install nvm-setup.exe
  3. Run the .exe file and follow the steps as the default
  4. After installing nvm you wil open your terminal and run:
nvm install 16.0.0

And then:

nvm current

If the lasts command shows your node version correctly you can continue with the quests.

(Step 3) Issue: "npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine" while running "npm install"#

It's probably a node version issue. You'll need the 16.16.0. To check your node version run at the terminal: node --version if it's not the needed version, you have 2 ways to downgrade it:

If you have nvm installed:

  1. Open your terminal and run:
nvm list
  1. a) If it shows the 16.16.0 version run:
nvm use 16.16.0
  1. b) If it not shows, run:
nvm install 16.16.0

and then:

nvm use 16.16.0
  1. Run node --version in your terminal again and if it's showing "v16.16.0", you can continue with the quests.

Install via executable

  1. Go to the node page and install the 16.16.0 LTS version.
  2. Run node --version in your terminal again and if it's showing "v16.16.0", you can continue with the quests.

Ps: If you still recieve some errors after installing 16.16.0, try:

  • Run npm start ignoring the errrors.
  • If it doesn't work, try install the 12.16.0 version and run npm install again.

(Step 3) Issue: "digital envelope routines: unsupported"#

Change this line of code in your package.json file

"Start" : "react-scripts start"


"Start" : "react-scripts --openssl-legacy-provider start"

(Step 4) Issue: "Get Hello" button not working.#

If your button it's not working, you need to check:

  • Your wallet is connected to the page. To connect click “Connect Zilpay” button at the bottom of the page.
  • You paste the contract address correctly:
    • Your code must the format provided in the placeholder (add 0x in the beginning)
    • You need to copy the contract address from the Neo Savant IDE: