FAQ Quest 4
This is the FAQ of the Quest 4: Hello World! Creating Your Web Application. If you can't solve your issue here you still can ask your doubt in the discord server (#zilliqa-helpdesk channel).
(Step 3) Issue: npm: command not foundYou need to install node first:
- Go to this link: https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows/releases
- Select and install nvm-setup.exe
- Run the .exe file and follow the steps as the default
- After installing nvm you wil open your terminal and run:
nvm install 16.0.0
And then:
nvm current
If the lasts command shows your node version correctly you can continue with the quests.
(Step 3) Issue: "npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine" while running "npm install"It's probably a node version issue. You'll need the 16.16.0. To check your node version run at the terminal:
node --version
if it's not the needed version, you have 2 ways to downgrade it:
If you have nvm installed:
- Open your terminal and run:
nvm list
- a) If it shows the 16.16.0 version run:
nvm use 16.16.0
- b) If it not shows, run:
nvm install 16.16.0
and then:
nvm use 16.16.0
- Run
node --version
in your terminal again and if it's showing "v16.16.0", you can continue with the quests.
Install via executable
- Go to the node page and install the 16.16.0 LTS version.
- Run
node --version
in your terminal again and if it's showing "v16.16.0", you can continue with the quests.
Ps: If you still recieve some errors after installing 16.16.0, try:
- Run
npm start
ignoring the errrors. - If it doesn't work, try install the 12.16.0 version and run
npm install
(Step 3) Issue: "digital envelope routines: unsupported"Change this line of code in your package.json file
"Start" : "react-scripts start"
"Start" : "react-scripts --openssl-legacy-provider start"
(Step 4) Issue: "Get Hello" button not working.If your button it's not working, you need to check:
- Your wallet is connected to the page. To connect click “Connect Zilpay” button at the bottom of the page.
- You paste the contract address correctly:
- Your code must the format provided in the placeholder (add 0x in the beginning)
- You need to copy the contract address from the Neo Savant IDE: